Nourished by liturgy and lectio divina, this book offers a transforming theological Vision based on prayer and spiritual insight. As a Benedictine monk the author contemplates the sacramental mysteries of Scripture, Baptism, the Eucharist, the icon, mystical prayer, and the great feasts of the liturgical year, viewing them as privileged "disclosure-zones" where the Holy Spirit reveals God's presence and invites us to be transformed into the likeness of Christ.
The author's aim is to encourage a contemporary mystical spirituality based on the great sources of Christian revelation. Much of the book consists of reflections on the mysteries of Christ as they are celebrated in the liturgy. It is grounded in theological research yet written in a style accessible to non-specialists; ecumenical in inspiration, it draws largely from Orthodox and other Eastern Christian sources. Deeply committed to the post-Vatican II renewal of the Church, it aims to recover some of the ancient spiritual resources of monastic tradition so as to encourage a new Vision of Christ as we meet him in his mysteries.
Fr. Gregory Collins, OSB, has been a monk of Glenstal Abbey for twenty years. He is an expert on Orthodox theology, a past headmaster of the Abbey school, and was director of the Monastic Institute at the Benedictine University of Saint'Anselmo in Rome. An experienced retreat-director, he was also co-editor of The Glenstal Book of Daly Prayer and author of the best-seller The Glenstal Book of Icons.
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