Package of 20 cards with 21 envelopes. Size (in inches): 4.375 x 5.9375 (A-6)
Front Text: Una Bendita Noche Santa
trajo el mayor milagro de todos…
Inside Text: En humilde reverencia, agradecemos a Dios por su don perfecto y precioso. Dulce Niñito Jesús, muévenos a amar como tu amas, a cuidar como tu cuidas, y a ser sinceros portadores de tu paz y alegría. ¡Dios te bendiga en Navidad y siempre! (English translation on inside top:) One Blessed Holy Night brought the Greatest Miracle of All In humble awe, we thank God for His perfect and precious gift; Sweet baby Jesus, move us to love as you love, to care as you care, and to be heartfelt bearers of your peace and joy. God Bless You at Christmas and Always Cover design painted by Hugo Rodriguez, seminarian at Conception Seminary College, Conception , MO.
Item Details:
Watercolor image of the Baby Jesus in the manger with the hand of Mary caressing his cheek by seminarian Hugo Rodriguez.
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